Nuovi Starter Deck in uscita con la ver.3.16

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  1. indastria

    User deleted

    Sono stati annunciati i nuovi Starter Deck per gli eroi di call of crystal ed arriveranno con l' aggiornamento alla versione 3.16
    discussione originale:

    Era ora che i deck si aggiornassero!
    Adesso i nuovi giocatori avranno con gli eroi call of crystal anche le carte provenienti da dark prophecies e shattered fates!
    Il prezzo per ogni deck passerà da 100 shadow crystal a 200!
    Per il resto gondorian è riuscito a fare con questi deck il 50% di win rate a 200 di rating, notevole direi :P
    Hero-specific Call of the Crystals Starter Decks in 3.16
    Hi, everyone! I'm very pleased to announce that in v3.16 we will finally be replacing the 10 digital Class Decks with 20 digital Hero-specific Starter Decks.

    There are many good reasons for this, but the primarily goals are to allow new players to choose from any of the Call of the Crystals heroes when they sign up (as opposed to just the 10 Human ones) and to offer decks that have been carefully crafted to suit each hero, rather than a pair from the same faction/class. To help with making that all important choice of first hero, each deck will come with a little blurb about the style and/or theme of the deck and a full deck list - perhaps even a way to preview all the cards in the deck as well.

    This long-awaited change should lead to a much better experience as a new player, whether going into Quick Match directly or taking on the forthcoming campaign. (We hope most will do the latter first as the early missions act as a tutorial where it is assumed a Starter Deck is being used and it's a great way to earn cards to bolster your deck!)

    I could talk for hours about all the thought that's gone into these decks, but I think it's best if I just post them here and you can ask questions after, if you have any. (I reserve the right to save my answers for my forthcoming DT Q&A stream/video.)

    Please note: To allow us to use a wider range of cards from a much higher combined gold value than their predecessors, these new decks will be priced at 200 Shadow Crystals at the Merchant. (The first deck for an account will still be free, of course!)

    Be sure to share your thoughts below and feel free to run some tournaments using these if you want. (They are intended to be fairly balanced against each other.)

    If you want to see any in action, check my Quick Match history because I've been trying out all of them there. They seem good enough to get about 50% win-rate around 200-rating, which is about where we'd want them to be. But, as I said above, the hope is that players would start out with the campaign and earn more cards (and gold) to improve the decks before they venture to Quick Match.

    One final thing: HUGE thanks to everyone who helped with this project. It was being done unofficially for a long time with some volunteers from the community, and for most of that time we were including Dark Prophecies and Shattered Fates cards. It was only recently that I realised it would be better for the narrative of the campaign and learning the game to only involve Call of the Crystals. My bad!

    Cliccate sullo spoiler per vedere i nuovi starter deck!!!!

    Hero: Boris Skullcrusher

    Allies (19):
    3x Kristoffer Wyld
    1x Dirk Saber
    3x Puwen Bloodhelm
    3x Blake Windrunner
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    2x Kurt Whitehelm
    2x Raven Wildheart
    2x Armored Sandworm
    1x Aeon Stormcaller

    Abilities (17):
    2x Valiant Defender
    1x Warrior Training
    2x Crippling Blow
    1x Reinforced Armor
    2x Extra Sharp
    2x Smashing Blow
    1x Shield Bash
    3x Blood Frenzy
    1x Enrage
    2x Rampage

    Items (3):
    2x War Banner
    1x The King's Pride

    Hero: Amber Rain

    Allies (13):
    1x Kristoffer Wyld
    2x Dirk Saber
    1x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    2x Zoe Silversmith
    2x Lily Rosecult
    2x Erika Shadowhunter

    Abilities (18):
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    3x Crippling Blow
    1x Retreat!
    1x Rain Delay
    1x Extra Sharp
    2x Smashing Blow
    2x Shield Bash
    3x Blood Frenzy
    1x Enrage
    1x Rampage
    2x Special Delivery

    Items (8):
    3x Rusty Longsword
    2x Jeweler's Dream
    2x Reserve Weapon
    1x Snow Sapphire

    Hero: Victor Heartstriker

    Allies (16):
    3x Kristoffer Wyld
    3x Dirk Saber
    1x Puwen Bloodhelm
    2x Blake Windrunner
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    2x Lily Rosecult
    1x Tainted Oracle
    2x Armored Sandworm

    Abilities (11):
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    3x Poison Arrow
    1x Urgent Business
    1x Extra Sharp
    1x Flaming Arrow
    3x Surprise Attack
    1x Poor Quality

    Items (12):
    3x Net Trap
    2x Bazaar
    3x Death Trap
    2x Golden Katar
    2x Crimson Vest

    Hero: Gwenneth Truesight

    Allies (13):
    1x Dirk Saber
    3x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    3x Zoe Silversmith
    3x Lily Rosecult

    Abilities (15):
    2x Into the Forest
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    1x Aimed Shot
    2x Poison Arrow
    1x Retreat!
    1x Rain Delay
    1x Melt Down
    1x Flaming Arrow
    1x Poor Quality
    2x Special Delivery
    2x Rapid Fire

    Items (11):
    1x Battle Plans
    1x Net Trap
    2x Bazaar
    1x Death Trap
    3x Old Iron Dagger
    1x Night Prowler
    2x Soul Seeker

    Hero: Nishaven

    Allies (14):
    1x Dirk Saber
    1x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    2x Katrin the Shieldmaiden
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    1x Zoe Silversmith
    1x Priest of the Light
    2x Kurt Whitehelm
    3x Armored Sandworm

    Abilities (18):
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    2x Clinging Websicon
    2x Fireball
    2x Freezing Grip
    1x Poor Quality
    1x Poison Gas
    3x Lightning Strike
    1x Engulfing Flames
    3x Arcane Burst
    2x Supernova

    Items (7):
    3x Tome of Knowledge
    2x Dome of Energy
    2x Wrath of Summer

    Hero: Eladwen Frostmire

    Allies (17):
    3x Kristoffer Wyld
    3x Birgitte Skullborn
    2x Dirk Saber
    2x Puwen Bloodhelm
    3x Blake Windrunner
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    2x Sandra Trueblade

    Abilities (17):
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    1x Clinging Webs
    2x Retreat!
    1x Extra Sharp
    3x Fireball
    1x Freezing Grip
    1x Poor Quality
    2x Lightning Strike
    3x Portal
    2x Supernova

    Items (5):
    3x Tome of Knowledge
    2x Dagger of Unmaking

    Hero: Jericho Spellbane

    Allies (13):
    1x Dirk Saber
    1x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    1x Priest of the Light
    2x Lily Rosecult
    1x Kurt Whitehelm
    1x Raven Wildheart
    2x Armored Sandworm
    1x Aeon Stormcaller

    Abilities (18):
    3x Retreat!
    1x Campfire Stories
    2x Melt Downicon
    2x Healing Touch
    2x Ice Storm
    2x Focused Prayer
    1x Holy Shield
    2x Smite
    3x Tidal Wave

    Items (8):
    2x Bazaar
    2x Book of Curses
    2x Plate Armor
    2x Wooden Staff

    Hero: Zhanna Mist

    Allies (19):
    2x Birgitte Skullborn
    1x Dirk Saber
    3x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    1x Katrin the Shieldmaiden
    2x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    1x Zoe Silversmith
    3x Sandra Trueblade
    1x Lily Rosecult
    1x Kurt Whitehelm
    1x Marshland Sentinel
    1x Tainted Oracle

    Abilities (16):
    1x Retreat!
    1x Extra Sharp
    1x Healing Touch
    1x Inner Strength
    2x Ice Storm
    2x Focused Prayer
    1x Resurrection
    2x Smite
    2x Plague
    3x Tidal Wave

    Items (4):
    1x Book of Curses
    1x Cobraskin Wraps
    2x Wizent's Staff

    Hero: Lance Shadowstalker

    Allies (20):
    2x Kristoffer Wyld
    2x Birgitte Skullborn
    2x Dirk Saber
    1x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    3x Nightshade
    2x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    2x Kurt Whitehelm
    2x Raven Wildheart
    1x Earthen Protector
    1x Aeon Stormcaller

    Abilities (14):
    1x Shrine of Negatia
    1x Retreat!
    1x Urgent Business
    1x Extra Sharp
    3x Assassination
    3x Reconnaissance
    2x Lay Low
    2x Stop, Thief!

    Items (5):
    1x Assassin's Cloak
    1x Throwing Knife
    3x Ill-Gotten Gains

    Hero: Serena Thoughtripper

    Allies (16):
    2x Kristoffer Wyld
    1x Dirk Saber
    1x Puwen Bloodhelm
    1x Blake Windrunner
    2x Nightshade
    1x Jasmine Rosecult
    1x Aldon the Brave
    2x Zoe Silversmith
    2x Lily Rosecult
    1x Tainted Oracle
    2x Armored Sandworm

    Abilities (12):
    2x Sorcerous Poison
    1x Retreat!
    1x Extra Sharp
    2x Assassination
    2x Muggedicon!
    2x Stop, Thief!
    2x Special Delivery

    Items (11):
    2x Black Garb
    3x Throwing Knife
    3x Ill-Gotten Gains
    2x Anklebreaker
    1x Dagger of Unmaking

    Hero: Ter Adun

    Allies (22):
    2x Brutalis
    3x Carniboar
    2x Keldor
    3x Infernal Gargoyle
    2x Bad Wolf
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    2x Belladonna
    1x Plasma Behemoth
    3x Shadow Knight
    1x Brutal Minotaur
    1x Ogloth the Glutton

    Abilities (14):
    2x Valiant Defender
    3x Crippling Blow
    1x Sacrificial Lamb
    1x Smashing Blow
    1x Shield Bash
    3x Blood Frenzy
    2x Bloodlust
    1x Enrage

    Items (3):
    2x War Banner
    1x The King's Pride

    Hero: Logan Stonebreaker

    Allies (18):
    2x Dark Flayer
    3x Deathbone
    1x Keldor
    2x Infernal Gargoyle
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    2x Cobra Demon
    2x Plasma Behemoth
    2x Shadow Knight
    2x Molten Destroyer

    Abilities (14):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    3x Crippling Blow
    2x Smashing Blow
    3x Shield Bash
    3x Blood Frenzy
    2x Rampage

    Items (7):
    3x Rusty Longsword
    2x Jeweler's Dream
    1x Reserve Weapon
    1x Berserker's Edge

    Hero: Banebow

    Allies (23):
    3x Fire Snake
    2x Dark Flayer
    2x Carniboar
    2x Deathbone
    1x Keldor
    2x Infernal Gargoyle
    1x Medusil
    1x Death Mage Thaddeus
    2x Belladonna
    2x Cobra Demon
    3x Shadow Knight
    2x Molten Destroyer

    Abilities (10):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    2x Poison Arrow
    1x Sacrificial Lamb
    3x Flaming Arrow
    2x Surprise Attack
    1x Bloodlust

    Items (6):
    1x Net Trap
    3x Death Trap
    2x Wrath of the Forest

    Hero: Baduruu

    Allies (12):
    3x Brutalis
    2x Keldor
    3x Infernal Gargoyle
    2x Bad Wolf
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus

    Abilities (14):
    2x Into the Forest
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    3x Poison Arrow
    1x Rain Delay
    1x Melt Down
    2x Flaming Arrow
    3x Here Be Monsters
    1x Acid Jet

    Items (13):
    1x Battle Plans
    2x Net Trap
    1x Death Trap
    2x Evil Ascendant
    1x Cobraskin Wraps
    2x Beetle Demon Bow
    1x Soul Seeker
    2x Guardian's Oath
    1x Golden Katar

    Hero: Majiya

    Allies (17):
    2x Deathbone
    2x Keldor
    1x Infernal Gargoyle
    2x Bad Wolf
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    3x Belladonna
    2x Plasma Behemoth
    3x Shadow Knight

    Abilities (17):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    2x Clinging Webs
    3x Fireball
    1x Freezing Grip
    1x Bloodlust
    3x Lightning Strike
    3x Portal
    1x Arcane Burst
    1x Acid Jet
    1x Supernova

    Items (5):
    3x Tome of Knowledge
    1x Snow Sapphire
    1x Violet Thunderstorm

    Hero: Gravebone

    Allies (18):
    2x Dark Flayer
    2x Carniboar
    1x Keldor
    3x Infernal Gargoyle
    3x Bad Wolf
    1x Death Mage Thaddeus
    2x Plasma Behemoth
    2x Shadow Knight
    1x Molten Destroyer
    1x Ogloth the Glutton

    Abilities (14):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    3x Clinging Webs
    3x Fireball
    1x Poison Gas
    2x Lightning Strike
    1x Engulfing Flames
    1x Arcane Burst
    1x Acid Jet
    1x Supernova

    Items (7):
    3x Tome of Knowledge
    2x Evil Ascendant
    2x Voice of Winter

    Hero: Darkclaw

    Allies (13):
    2x Pack Wolf
    2x Infernal Gargoyle
    3x Bad Wolf
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    2x Wulven Tracker
    2x Shadow Knight

    Abilities (18):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    3x Now You're Mine
    2x Rain Delay
    2x Captured Prey
    3x Speedstrike
    2x Full Moon
    1x Rabid Bite
    1x Lone Wolf
    1x Acid Jet
    2x Shadow Font

    Items (8):
    2x Bazaar
    3x What Big Teeth
    2x Jeweler's Dream
    1x Fangs of the Predator

    Hero: Moonstalker

    Allies (21):
    2x Carniboar
    3x Keldor
    3x Infernal Gargoyle
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    2x Belladonna
    2x Cobra Demon
    2x Wulven Tracker
    2x Plasma Behemoth
    3x Shadow Knight

    Abilities (13):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    2x Now You're Mine
    1x Sacrificial Lamb
    1x Extra Sharp
    2x Captured Prey
    1x Regeneration
    1x Full Moon
    2x Rabid Bite
    1x Acid Jet
    1x Shadow Font

    Items (5):
    2x Bazaar
    1x What Big Teeth
    2x Wrath of the Forest

    Hero: Elementalis

    Allies (20):
    3x Spark
    2x Brutalis
    2x Carniboar
    1x Keldor
    3x Infernal Gargoyle
    1x Death Mage Thaddeus
    3x Belladonna
    1x Wulven Tracker
    3x Shadow Knight
    1x Brutal Minotaur

    Abilities (12):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    1x Conversion
    2x Life Infusion
    1x Sacrificial Lamb
    1x Feedback
    1x Bloodlust
    1x Acid Jet
    2x Energy Discharge
    2x Mind Control

    Items (7):
    2x Bazaar
    2x Sliver of Shadow
    2x Mocking Armor
    1x Ghostmaker

    Hero: Zaladar

    Allies (17):
    3x Deathbone
    2x Keldor
    3x Infernal Gargoyle
    2x Medusil
    2x Death Mage Thaddeus
    1x Chimera
    2x Cobra Demon
    2x Plasma Behemoth

    Abilities (15):
    1x Shriek of Vengeance
    2x Transference
    1x Melt Down
    2x Soul Reaper
    1x Bloodlust
    1x Acid Jet
    2x Shadow Font
    1x Energy Discharge
    3x Mind Control
    1x Eternal Renewal

    Items (7):
    3x Bazaar
    2x Shard of Power
    2x Dimension Ripper

    Edited by indastria - 7/10/2016, 06:52

    Soulbound Angel

    UFC Mod

    Vedo solo carte vecchie negli spoiler

    Plasma Behemoth

    17 Mod

    già nel titolo... Call of the Crystals Starter Decks in 3.16. Comunque è solo una revisione degli attuali deck con carte leggermente più tarate. Non di molto però... se li faceva pagare 150 cristalli era onesto... 200 mi pare troppo per un 40 carte così. Raikka forever!
2 replies since 6/10/2016, 17:28   51 views