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  1. paxvobiscum

    Plasma Behemoth

    17 Mod

    Cerco di tenere aggiornato ma è un'impresa. intanto ho tutte le alt art, le sleeves e i playmat. noterete che Holy Shield e Wrath of the forest io li trovo pure nelle patatine...


    Boris Skullcrusher x1
    Amber Rain x6
    Victor Heartstriker x4
    Gwenneth Truesight x2
    Nishaven x2
    Eladwen Frostmire x3
    Jericho Spellbane x4
    Zhanna Mist x3
    Lance Shadowstalker x1
    Serena Thoughtripper x2
    Ter Adun x2
    Logan Stonebreaker x2
    Banebow x2
    Baduruu x4
    Majiya x1
    Gravebone x4
    Darkclaw x2
    Moonstalker x1
    Elementalis x5
    Zaladar x2

    Boris Skullcrusher x7
    Amber Rain x3
    Victor Heartstriker x5
    Gwenneth Truesight x6
    Nishaven x5
    Eladwen Frostmire x3
    Jericho Spellbane x3
    Zhanna Mist x9
    Lance Shadowstalker x4
    Serena Thoughtripper x4
    Ter Adun x5
    Logan Stonebreaker x4
    Banebow x4
    Baduruu x1
    Majiya x3
    Gravebone x3
    Darkclaw x4
    Moonstalker x3
    Elementalis x5
    Zaladar x6
    Loest x4
    Rothem x3

    Tala Pureheart x3
    Aramia x6
    Ythan x3
    Threbin x6
    Garth x5
    Vess x6
    Raikka x3
    Skervox x3
    Bloodfang x5
    Praxix x7

    Ythan x1

    Jasmine Rosecult x2
    DIrk Saber ***
    Sandra Trueblade x2
    Lily Rosecult ***
    Kristoffer wild ***
    Puwen Bloodhelm x1
    Brigitte Skullborn x2
    Kurt whitehelm ***
    Blake Windrunner x2
    Raven Wildhearth x1
    Zoe Silversmith x1
    Katrin the Shieldmaiden x3
    Priest of The Light x4
    Armored Sandworm x1
    Marshland Sentinel ***
    Tainted Oracle x3
    Earthen Protector x 6
    Aeon Stormcaller x2
    Deathbone x1
    Keldor x7
    Brutalis x5
    Plasma Behemoth x3
    Fire snake x1
    Belladonna x3
    Bad Wolf x2
    Carniboar x3
    Molten Destroyer x3
    Brutal Minotaur x3
    Wulven Tracker x5
    Ogloth the glutton x4
    Valiant Defender x2
    Reserve Weapon x2
    Smashing Blow x3
    Enrage x2
    Warrior training x5
    Crippling Blow x4
    Shield Bash x1
    Blood Frenzy x4
    Fireball x4
    Freezing grip x1
    Poison Gas x3
    Lightning Strike x1
    Engulfing Flames x4
    Supernova x4
    Arcane Burst x9
    Clinging webs x3
    Aimed Shot x5
    Poison Arrow x3
    Flaming arrow x5
    Into The Forest x5
    Surprise Attack x5
    Net Trap x4
    Tracking Gear x2
    Heling Touch x7
    Inner Strenght x5
    Tidal Wave x4
    Ice Storm x6
    Focused Prayer x1
    Holy Shield x11
    Plague x2
    Book of Curses x1
    Assassination x3
    Reconnaissance x5
    Throwing Knife x4
    Sorcerous Poison x2
    Assassins Cloak x8
    Ill Gotten Gains ***
    Lay Low x3
    Mugged x1
    Nightshade ***
    Captured Prey x4
    Now you are Mine x2
    Speedstrike x4
    What big teeth x6
    Regeneration x6
    Full Moon ***
    Rabid Bite x1
    Lone Wolf x5
    Pack Alpha x5
    Energy Discharge x1
    Conversion x6
    Soul Reaper x3
    Spark x1
    Transference x3
    Mind Control ***
    Feedback x4
    Shard Of Power x6
    Eternal Renewal x1
    Cover or night x2
    Retreat ***
    Reinforced Armor x6
    Special Delivery x5
    Campfire stories x1
    Good Ascendant x2
    Radiant Sunlight ***
    Shrine of Negatia ***
    Poor Quality x2
    Honored Dead x2
    Bloodlust ***
    Here Be Monsters x1
    Shadowspawn x3
    Shriek of vegeance ***
    Evil Ascendant x8
    Bloodstone altar x3
    Selfishness x2
    Acid jet x6
    Shadow Font x2
    Sacrificial Lamb x4
    Rain Delay x3
    Drain Power x2
    Urgent Business x5
    Extra Sharp x2
    Bazaar ***
    Sever Ties x6
    Bad Santa x4
    Master Smith ***
    Melt Down x3
    Ley Line Nexus x4
    Nova infusion x4
    Snow Sapphire x2
    Violet thunderstorm x4
    Armor of Ages x2
    The Kings Pride x2
    Night Prowler x2
    Wrath of the Forest x12
    Crimson Vest x4
    Gravediggers Cloak x1
    Cobraskin Wraps x5
    Black Garb ***
    Dome of Energy ***
    Plate Armor ***
    Moonlight bracers ***
    Mocking Armor x5
    Legion United x4
    Twice Enchanted Robe x3
    Shadow Armor x2
    Crescendo x6
    Spelleater Bands x4
    Mournblade x2
    Dimension Ripper x3
    Beserkers edge x4
    Jewelers Dream x3
    Soul Seeker x6
    Guardians Oath x4
    Beetle Demon Bow x3
    Rusty Longsword x3
    Wrath of Summer x4
    Voice of Winter x2
    Wooden Staff x3
    Sliver of shadow x2
    Wizent's staff x4
    Golden Katar x2
    Ghostmaker x2
    Old Iron dagger ***
    Uprooted Tree x1
    Anklebreaker x4
    Fangs of the predator x3
    Dagger of Unmaking x3

    Twilight herald x1
    Gaderi Barbarian ***
    Mystic of the vale x2
    Artful squire ***
    Braxnorian Soldier x4
    Layarian Diplomat x4
    Spirit Warden x3
    Rider of Ellos x1
    Fleet footed messenger ***
    Radiant wisp ***
    Champion of Irum x3
    Layarian Seductress x3
    Paladin of unaxio x3
    Wymer the Lionheart x1
    Gunther, General of Balor ***
    rotling ***
    Trusted familiar ***
    Ironhide karash ***
    Bloodstained marauder ***
    Wulven predator ***
    Disciple of Aldmor x1
    Rust weevil ***
    Magma Jackal x2
    Death Collector x8
    Wulven Savage x4
    Furrion Terror x4
    Io Void Leviathan x6
    Kairos Doombringer x2
    Alert and able x3
    Battle hardened x3
    Braxnorian Veteran x5
    Lythite coating x4
    Smith shop x3
    Braxnorian Temptress x5
    Killing Spree x4
    Yari spearman x4
    Wild Berserker x3
    Stalwart Battleguard x3
    Scrying eye x4
    Kelvin's Charm x3
    Meteor Shower x4
    Undying bond x2
    Consuming Fear x3
    Sun-blighted One x4
    Static Shock x3
    Voltar's ring x3
    Shatter ice x2
    Frosted Urigon x5
    Rolling boulders x3
    Snare trap x3
    Bounty hunter x5
    Change of Plans x4
    Survivalist x5
    Enchanted oak ***
    Jade of the forest x4
    Wendith Eagle-eye x1
    The Perfect Shot x6
    Master trapsetter x6
    Sacred fire walker x5
    Forgiveness x2
    Devoted light bearer x6
    Banish x3
    Mass Purification x2
    Incense of atonement x1
    Divine Connection x3
    Lingering Essence x2
    Elizabeth Winterborn x4
    Knight of the Golden Dawn x5
    Night owl x4
    Silent strike x5
    Elicit Information x2
    Good contacts x3
    Vozitian orders x3
    Pay Day x4
    Lyra Blackrose x6
    Procured and Restored x1
    Smoke Screen x2
    Agent Rex x1
    Blood Moon ***
    Thick Hide x9
    Ripping Fury x2
    Lost in the Woods x4
    Unstoppable x7
    Tiger Wulf x1
    Lightning hunter x6
    Call of the Pack x3
    Blinding Storm x3
    Howlfang, Terror of the Vale x4
    Flare x1
    Infinity core x3
    Synchronicity x4
    Antimatter x1
    Xar Modulator x5
    Zantonite x2
    Super Focus x4
    Interference x3
    Temporal disturbance x4
    Crystal Titan x2
    Rejuvenating Ritual x2
    Nurturing Spring x2
    Nowhere to hide x4
    Disrupt Aura x4
    Wizent's Prayer x3
    Blessed Protection x2
    Ascendant of the Hero x2
    Outwitted x3
    Treasured Heirloom x4
    A legend rises x2
    Mindless Ferocity x2
    Contaminated water x4
    Nocturnal Advantage x2
    Bloodthirsty x2
    Aura of Retribution x2
    Ascendant of the Horde x3
    Arthyle's Crypt x3
    Flesh Infusion x6
    Blackened Hearth x2
    A legend Falls x6
    Word of the Prophet ***
    Change of Fortune x2
    Assumed Command x3
    Sanctuary x2
    Aldmor conduit ***
    Stand Firm x5
    Toll bridge x4
    Dark revelations x3
    Thoughtful Investment x4
    Schythe of Fate ***
    Blazing Shield x4
    Storm Coat x5
    Punisher's Gauntlets x7
    Breastplate of Vitality x2
    Cloak of Obscurity ***
    Morphic Armor x4
    Pride of the Mountain x1
    Celestial Armor x6
    Rothem's Visage x6
    Loest's Burden x6
    Fethered Longbow x3
    Staff of Disintegration x2
    Wand of Izikus x4
    Crescent of Doom x1
    Grundler's Double x3
    Dragon's Tooth x4
    Shadowvein x3
    Spectral Sabre x4
    Madelain's Scepter x2
    Fan of Blades x3
    Karlstrad, Ruler of Gaderi x5
    Scourge Colossus x8

    Ascetic of aldmor x2
    Aetherborn Wisp ***
    Twilight opportunist x4
    Twilight lifebringer x5
    Zailen Crusader x4
    Guardian of Unaxio x4
    Midnight Sentinel x4
    Sorcerer of Endia x3
    Knight of Unaxio x2
    Growing Bog-dweller x6
    Eleanor, Princess of Ellos x3
    Zealous Mystic x6
    Demetreyo, Twilight extremist x2
    Twilight Ritualist x4
    Twilight Warden x1
    Twilight Champion x3
    Templar Champion x3
    Viska, The Scarlet Blade x5
    Avenger of the Fallen x2
    Tenacious Buccaneer x3
    Irina, Guardian of the Swan x4
    Fortified Wisp x3
    Thunderstrike construct x4
    Eriss Fateweawer x7
    Nathanias, People’s Champion x3
    Plightbred Runt x1
    Rapacious vermin x2
    Frostmare x3
    Harbinger of the lost x6
    Spitfire Hound x4
    Wulven Scout x3
    Cleric of the Asyin x3
    Cryptspawn Tormentor x4
    Gravemonger x3
    Wulven Tactician x1
    Rampant Krygon x2
    Ravager Zealot x5
    Grimghast ***
    Voracious Arachnid x3
    Corpse shifter x5
    Murderous hulk x5
    Grimjaw Hydra x6
    Flameborn Defiler x6
    Brimstone Devourer x4
    Slingblade Demon x3
    Falseblood Cultist x4
    Thriss Demolitionist x4
    Derkan the bone king x2
    Infernus tyrant of the damned x6
    Dakrath x6
    Lythian shakles x2
    crown of ages x3
    Ellos Resolve x3
    Yari Vanguard x4
    Mettle of the warrior x2
    Yari Marksman x4
    Yari Bladedancer x3
    Desperate tactics x3
    Enslave the beast x2
    Xander, Yari Capitan x5
    Abomination factory x3
    Stoneskin x2
    Cinderborn Fatebreaker x3
    Amulet of conjuring x2
    Incendiary Curse x5
    Thunderstone Golem x1
    Urigon's Fang x2
    Evolving abomination x5
    Transmogrifation Curse x2
    Phoenix Urigon x1
    Pack an Extra x3
    Anmors Elixir x1
    Ricochet trap x2
    Hunters gambit x4
    Venomflame archer x3
    Deepwood Bobcat x4
    Decoy trap x5
    Anmors call x2
    Snowland Spotter x3
    Drangis lord of the hunt x2
    For Unaxio ***
    Tome of Blessings x2
    Glass chalice of knowing x4
    Embers of the just x7
    Devoted Knight x5
    Righteous Strike x5
    Arada Jewels x4
    Sindarok apprentice x2
    Zails hymn x4
    Justicar Alysia x4
    Skilled Ironmonger x5
    Backstab x2
    Hit List x4
    Vozitian trader ***
    Wily Smuggler x8
    Garth concoction x3
    Sword thief x7
    Coercion x4
    Anarchic Looting x5
    Oliver Fagin x1
    Midnight Howl x2
    Bloodpack Shaman x4
    Death from Above x6
    Wulven Rally x2
    Dreadclaw totem x2
    Dread Wolf x2
    Wulven Resilience x7
    Soothjaw ***
    Griptooth x2
    Riphide x7
    Shocking Grasp x3
    Redux channel x4
    Reverberate x4
    Energy extraction x4
    Wave Collapse x3
    Stardust Extractor x3
    Mimic x2
    Reactorary x5
    Exaltation x4
    Stardust amplifier x3
    Final Flourish x6
    Strenght of convinction x4
    Twilight eidolon x3
    Scriptures of the Righteous x3
    Saymeht's Retribution x3
    The Bigger They Are x2
    Road less traveled x3
    Live Together, Die Alone x4
    The last harvest x2
    Glimmer of Hope x4
    Grave Resistance x2
    Thriss Assaulth plinth x3
    Despair x6
    Tombstone beacon x6
    Shriek of Revulsion x2
    They Harder They Fall x5
    Mark of the Feared x2
    Obelisk of Echoes x4
    Meat Wagon x4
    All Hope is Lost x3
    Loom of Fate x4
    Crystal Shards x6
    Curse of the aldmor x6
    Vision of endia x4
    Overwhelm x2
    Dawn Raid x5
    Will to Fight x4
    Widespread decay x5
    Aldmor accelerator x8
    Confluence of Fate x6
    Startleshell Vest x2
    Platinum Chainmail x4
    Gold-Laced Shield x2
    Helm of Saymeht x2
    Ritualist headdress x7
    Splicers crown x2
    Cleric's Mantle X2
    Necromancers Shroud x5
    Justicar's cape ****
    Pride of the yari x3
    Shock Conductor x4
    Packmaster's helm x1
    Flameforged Gauntlets x4
    Aural Battery x3
    Rilard's Bucker x1
    Metamorphic cloak x2
    Robes of mending x7
    Soulbound Armor x1
    Voidwalker's gauntlet x4
    Charred Cowl of Damned x1
    Frying pan x3
    Boomerang x4
    Wooden Spear x7
    Griffoncrest Dagger x4
    Sword of Might x3
    Looters baton x1
    Dagger of fate x1
    Weevil-tipped Crossbow x4
    Pithing Spear x3
    Rod of smiting x7
    Darkforged Knife x4
    Bone Sabre x2
    War Flail x1
    Gromm's Axe x6
    Thoughtripper's Cutlass x4
    Chains of Torment x2
    Spirit Shuriken x4
    Flameforged Scepter x1
    Lythian Sledgehammer x4
    Emore Crossbow x6

    Sabreen hand of Unaxio x2
    Twilight sheperdress x1
    Forgotten Horror x3
    Eternal Troll x2
    Armored Packbeast x3
    Stalactitan x1
    Aldmor Chieftain x1
    Ancient of Aldmor x1
    Relentless Savagery x2
    Groundshift x1

    Edited by paxvobiscum - 5/4/2017, 11:04
54 replies since 12/3/2014, 10:35   1442 views